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Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Grant Program Webinar

Through March 29, 2024, the Georgia Department of Agriculture (GDA) is working with the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service to offer $7.1 million in competitive grant funding to Georgia projects designed to build resilience within local and regional food systems, fostering economic growth and creating new opportunities for Georgia's farmers and food producers.  

The grants are being offered under the Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) Grant Program. Grants offered through the RFSI Program will support various initiatives aimed at improving the capacity and infrastructure involved in processing, storing, and distributing locally and regionally produced food. Priority will be given to projects involving dairy, grains, fruits, vegetables, dry beans, and aquaculture, as well as those submitted by farmer- and worker-owned enterprises and cooperatives. 

Join us on Tues., Mar. 18 at 2 p.m. for a grant review with the Georgia Department of Agriculture. During this time Matthew Kulinski will walk potential applicants through the grant process and answer any lingering questions.  Registration is free and required to attend.